
Your goal is to have 100 babies in as few generations as possible with as many men you can and without using cheats.


All Rules gotten from http://modthesims.info/t/465479

  • Your founder may only leave the house to complete opportunities and meet men. She may not have a job.
  • Infants may be aged up immediately if you wish
  • Toddlers can be aged up as soon as they can walk, talk, and use the potty, but not before. If you don't get these done, you must wait for the game to age them up (same goes for Children and teens.)
  • Children and Teens may be aged up once they have an A in school and you get the message about your child reaching Honor Roll.
  • Teens may get a part-time job to help out.
  • Young adults may be moved out immediately or you can wait, but they cannot get a full-time job while living in the house
  • You may hire a maid, but you have to stop them from helping with toddlers (changing diapers, feeding, etc.)
  • You may not use Apples or Watermelon to determine the gender of a baby.
  • You may not choose traits for any Sim except the founder (trust me, my 2nd generation mom hated Art)
  • The last girl to be born from the founder will continue the challenge.
  • Your founder may not get married while living in-house.
  • Your founder may be moved out as soon as she is an elder to make room, as long as there is another adult sim in the house.
  • If you manage to not get a girl, obviously the challenge is failed. That's the only way you can really fail.
  • You may not use any cheats, except for to reset a sim if needed.
  • Fertility treatment is GOOD! USE IT!
  • Once you've had children with a man, you may not use him again for offspring.
  • Your sim may never hire a babysitter. You have to wait until other children are old enough to take care of it.
  • EDIT You may not send your children to Boarding School, as the school takes care of the child which repeals the point.


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